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6 Responses to 華電福新能源股份有限公司2013-Q1的合並利潤

  1. HC says:

    Where to get this document? The profit seems very low

  2. coolstock says:

    it is hard to believe that the revenue can be dropped. For three parties, water, coal, and wind, water part has about 26% drop(as the average water power drops 26% in Fujian in the 1st season), about 0.6bkwh, coal part can increase more revenue than the drop of water part. Wind part should have increase, then how the total revenue drops from 24b to 21b?

    • stockbisque says:

      I guess the drop in revenue from ($2.4B to $2.1B) is mainly because of lesser rainfall in Q1 this year (the drop in hydro power revenue is more than the gain in coal-fired power and wind power). I guess electricty generation from hydro power dropped by around 35% YTY.

  3. KU541 says:

    去完旅行,而家先馬後炮 sosad

    其實我又覺得本業唔太差,你睇income – expenses (主業) 其實兩年接近持平。

    難怪有人話當時為左上市谷得太盡了 XD

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